Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Sinful Secret Admirer & A Giveaway Roundup

I have had great luck with the Sinful polishes I have tried so far. Secret Admirer costs $2 & I can get away with just one coat if I'm careful. I really love any nail polish that can look good with one coat. Sometimes I'm in a hurry! Black creme nail polish is not something I'm interested in wearing. (or any of those polishes that look black unless you are in the sun, for that matter!) But the superfine silver shimmer in Secret Admirer makes this black polish a winner for me. This Sinful polish is great for Konad and nail art because it is so pigmented. It worked great for the tuxedo on my Dracula nails.
I used Nail Tek Foundation II on my ring and pinkie fingers for a matte effect.

Giveaway Roundup
Thanks for reading!

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